Le M.U.R.S. à ESOF 2016 Manchester

July 26. 12:50 – 2:05 pm (45 minutes)

Session title : Abandoning the usual disciplinary structures in science

In 1994, M. Gibbons, C. Limoges, H. Nowotny et alii published The New Production of Knowledge: The Dynamics of Science and Research in Contemporary Societies, followed in 2001 by Rethinking Science: Knowledge and the Public in an Age of Uncertaintyby Nowotny, Scott and Gibbons. In those works, they presented a shift in the production of knowledge, from « mode 1 » to « mode 2 », presented as two heuristic paradigma.

Twenty years later, the H2020 program of the European Commission structures the EU research program around big societal challenges, abandoning the usual disciplinary structure, but despite constant and pressing calls to a new organisation of science production, universities and research organizations seem to be still mainly structured according to mode 1. Nonetheless, a closer look shows that in this (slowly) moving landscape, some innovative structures are experimenting new ways of producing science, and have deliberately organised themselves to cross either the borders of disciplines (humanities, social sciences and natural sciences), or the borders between public and private sectors, or between basic research and applied science, or between professional scientists and amateurs. Through those explorations they are renewing research outcomes and relations between science and the society.

This session is dedicated to those innovative structures.

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